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Walk. Jog. Bike. Skate. Roll.

Explore 8 miles of 10-12 foot wide asphalt trail designed for YOU!

Benches, scenic overlooks, interpretive signs, and trailheads with decorative paving and kiosks help make the Cayuga Waterfront Trail a special place to relax, exercise, and enjoy the waterfront setting. Learn more about the trail itself below or head to the Trail Activities Page for info on Paddling, Biking, and Birding.

Trail Rules


The Cayuga Waterfront Trail is used by pedestrians, cyclists, roller bladers, dog walkers, and people with disabilities. As you use the trail, please be courteous to other trail users.

Please Remember:

  • Stay right except when passing.

  • Signal audibly before passing on the left.

  • Dismount bikes where indicated.

  • Bicyclists and skaters yield to pedestrians. Please maintain a speed that promotes the safety and comfort of pedestrians (below 10 MPH).

  • Electric-assist wheelchairs, recreational bicycles, scooters, and skateboards are allowed on the trail but should maintain a speed that promotes the safety and comfort of pedestrians (below 10 MPH). Other motorized vehicles are prohibited from using the trail.

  • Dogs are welcome on short leash. Please clean up your dog's waste. Mutt Mitts are provided at dog care stations in Stewart Park and Cass Park.

Please help us keep the trail clean, and contact about any trail maintenance problems.

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On the map, look for the letter T.

Trailheads provide easy entrance and exit points along the Trail. The CWT has 5 Trailheads, each with benches, bike racks, attractive landscaping and stepping stones, and kiosks with interpretive signage and maps. From there, you can get to many destinations or simply enjoy the trail.

Jean McPeeters Trailhead
Named for former president of the Tompkins Chamber president and Champion of the Trail, this Trailhead is located near the Chamber of Commerce and the Ithaca Youth Bureau and Stewart Park off Rt. 13. Parking near this Trailhead

Stewart Park Trailhead 
Located near the Northeast Parking lot of Stewart Park off of Rt. 13 (Near the Picnic “Large” Pavilion). Parking near this Trailhead

Farmer’s Market Trailhead 
Located at the Southwest end of the Farmer’s Market off Rt. 13. Parking directions via Google Maps

Inlet Island Trailhead 
Located just off Buffalo Street near Island Health and Fitness, this is the Southernmost of the Trailheads. Google Map for this Trailhead area

The Cass Park Trailhead
Located at the entrance to the Cass Park Ice Rink on Rt. 96 northwest of the City of Ithaca. Parking at Cass Park Ice Rink | Parking at Ithaca Children's Garden/Black Diamond Trail

Destinations Along the Trail


Between the Jean McPheeters Trailhead and Farmers Market:

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Inlet Island Destinations including Island Health and Fitness and Rasa Spa

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The Cayuga Waterfront Trail is a certified Pollinator Pathway! Learn more here.